Welcome to our friendly family practice. Our clinic is located in Greenfields and is open from 8AM till 5PM weekdays. We offer a wide variety of health and medical services, including everything from Work Medicals to Hearing Tests. We are a member of Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) and have a team of highly trained and experienced medical professionals helping you get better, quicker.
At Mandurah Doctors we take your health and privacy extremely seriously. This is why all your medical information is 100% confidential. It is our policy to ensure the security of your health information at all times and to ensure that your information is only available to personnel. This is the law under the “Privacy Act” and is adhered to by all staff.
Our mission is to provide the highest standard of patient care whilst incorporating a holistic approach toward diagnosis and management of illness. We are committed to promoting health, wellbeing, and disease prevention to all patients. We do not discriminate in the provision of excellent care, and we aim to treat all patients with dignity and respect.