Summer is a beautiful time in the South West of WA, but with it comes an increase in wildlife activity. Many people are unaware of what to do if they encounter a snake or bee on their property. In this blog post, we will discuss the options available to homeowners who find themselves in this situation. We will also share contact information for local professionals who can assist with snake and bee removal services
What To Do If You Find A Snake On Your Property
If you come across a snake on your property, remain calm and do not attempt to capture or kill it yourself. It is illegal to kill snakes, and attempting to do so can be dangerous. The best thing to do is call your local government rangers at 9550 3777. They will provide you with contact information for a wildlife re-locator who can safely remove the snake from your property
Who Can Capture And Relocate The Snake?
There are several experienced professionals available throughout Dawesville and Mandurah who can assist with snake relocation. Dave Inwood is an experienced volunteer who does not charge a fee for his services (0437 989 732). Paul Kenyon from Snakebusters Rockingham charges fees for his services (0439 941 004). Allison Dixon (0401 314 701) and Kyrah-Dean Amos-Harris (0452 562 407) also offer snake relocation services, with the latter requesting donations for her work. Lastly, Alec Milroy (0409 174 004) provides volunteer services without charging any fees.
If you encounter a snake or bee on your property this summer, there’s no need to panic! Instead, call your local government rangers on 9550 3777 and they will provide you with contact details of a professional wildlife re-locator who can safely relocate the creature from your premises. There are several experienced professionals available throughout Dawesville and Mandurah who can help you out – just make sure to ask about their fees before engaging their services! With their help, you’ll be able to keep yourself safe while ensuring that these creatures are returned back into their natural habitats where they belong!